Semences de maïs blanc "Trucker's Favourite"

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A staple heirloom variety of dent corn, Trucker’s Favourite boasts a variety of uses. Kernels can be roasted, fried, ground into a meal for homemade cornbread or tortillas and even used  as feed for livestock. 

Stalks grow up to 3 meters tall and produce 20-25 cm-long ears of creamy white kernels. Ears are typically ready for harvest in 115 days but can be harvested early in the milk stage, around 75 days, for fresh eating. If left to grow to full maturity, Trucker’s Favourite is undoubtedly one of the best varieties for processing. 

This outstanding heirloom variety keeps on truckin’ through the long hot days of summer to produce high-quality ears that store exceptionally well.

- Latin Name: Zea mays
- Days to Maturity: 115
- Life Cycle: Annual
- Direct Sowing: After last spring frost
- Days to Germination: 7-14
- Germination Optimal Soil Temperature: 25-30°C 
- Planting Depth: 2-3 cm
- Seed Spacing: 2-3 seeds every 20 cm
- Thinning Seedlings: 1 plant every 30-45 cm once true leaves are established
- Row Spacing: 30-45 cm
- Plant Height: 180-220 cm
- Average Seeds Needed Per 10 m Row: 75
- Average Yield Per 10 m Row: 1-2 dozen ears


It just wouldn’t be summer without enjoying fresh corn on the cob as often as possible. On top of being a beloved symbol of summer, corn can be popped, fashioned into festive decorations or used as animal feed.

It is advantageous to plant corn early because of its need for a long growing season. But, it will not fare well by being started indoors, transplanted or sown into cold soil. Wait until 2 weeks after the last frost to sow seed outdoors or when soil temperatures reach at least 16°C. Plant seeds 2 cm deep, 15 cm apart in rows 75-90 cm apart and water well.

Corn is a very heavy feeder of nutrients and water. If possible, plan ahead the fall prior and prepare the bed by mixing in a hefty amount of compost.

When plants reach 8-10 cm tall, thin them out to a distance of 20-30 cm. Corn has shallow roots, so mulch, weed carefully and water well.

About 2 cm of water/week should suffice. Give more in times of excessive heat or drought. An application of high-nitrogen fertilizer a couple times throughout the season will appreciably accelerate growth.

It is dependent on variety, but corn may take up to 100 days to mature. Warmer air will ripen ears faster. Pay attention to the tips of the ears, they will become more rounded when it’s time to pick. Other good indications of readiness are milky kernels and browning silk. When they reach this point, do not wait to harvest. Pull down on the ears and twist to remove from the stalk. If it is corn you plan on eating, prepare it immediately for consumption or preservation.


- Corn is a cereal grain first domesticated in southern Mexico about 10,000 years ago. Imported into Europe by the navigator Christopher Columbus, corn quickly became a staple food in many parts of the world.

- To prevent cross-pollination from altering crop, plant at least 100 meters from other corn varieties or stagger planting by 20 days. Plant in blocks of at least four rows for proper pollination. 

- Corn seeds will remain viable for 2 years if stored in a cool, dark place, ideally between 4 and 10⁰C. After that, the germination rate may start to go down. 

Notre garantie sur les semences

Vous savez qu'un jardin luxuriant et fructueux a besoin d'un bon sol, d'arrosages fréquents et du soleil pour pousser, mais ce sont les semences qui font vraiment la différence.

Cueillies et ensachées pour 2025, la grande majorité de nos semences ont des taux de germination de plus de 85 %. Toutes nos semences sont entièrement naturelles, sans OGM, non hybrides, non traitées et à pollinisation libre pour récolter les semences année après année.

Nos semences sont  soigneusement emballées dans des pochettes refermables, en papier kraft/aluminium de qualité alimentaire. Nos commandes sont ensuite expédiées dans des enveloppes rembourrées respectueuses de l'environnement.

Nous utilisons un scellage thermique pour chaque sachet de graines afin de garantir une protection maximale contre l'humidité , les odeurs et la lumière, vous permettant de conserver vos semences jusqu'à 3 fois plus longtemps que dans du papier ou plastique. Plantez-les toutes, faites-en germer quelques-unes à l'intérieur, gardez-en pour la saison prochaine - à vous de décider !