Boston Burgundy Lettuce Seeds


Boston Burgundy is one of the most nutritious lettuces, full of vitamins and minerals. The leaves are supple with a smooth, pleasant taste. The beautiful foliage will take an ordinary salad to the next level thanks to the marvellous colours, texture and flavour.

An easy variety to grow that requires little space, Burgundy Boston is great for containers and backyard kitchen gardens. It takes about 55 days from planting until it’s ready to pick. As a head lettuce, wait until the head is 20-25 cm in diameter and cut it just above the soil line. Alternatively, outer leaves can be harvested individually as needed. Consume as soon as possible to enjoy the luscious, crisp leaves.

The ruffled, multi-coloured leaves look spectacular in the garden and salad bowl. The frilled, deep-purple leaves stand in stark contrast to the bright green interiors. Burgundy Boston lettuce is a favourite of chefs for use in restaurants. 


- Latin Name: Lactuca sativa
- Days to Maturity: 55
- Life Cycle: Annual
- Start Indoors or Cold Frame: 4-6 weeks before final spring frost
- Seeds Per 5 cm Cell: 2-3
- Planting Depth: 0.5 cm
- Days to Germination: 3-12
- Optimal Soil Temperature for Germination: 18-22°C
( Seeds can germinate well  in soils as low as 5°C but do poorly above 24°C)
- Seedlings Optminal Daytime Temperature: 16-18°C
- Days from transplanting to mature crop: 40
- Transplant Seedlings: 25-30 cm apart
( For mini-heads, transplant 15 cm apart in a grid )
Direct Sowing for Baby Leaf: 10 seeds every 5 cm in rows 5-10 cm apart. 
( Cut 2-3 cm above the growing point when leaves are about 10 cm long)
- Direct Sowing: As soon as the soil can be worked
( Young plants properly hardened can grow at temperatures as a low as -5°C)
- Seed Spacing: 3-4 seeds every 10 cm
- Thinning Seedlings: 25-30 cm apart
- Row Spacing: 30-45 cm
- Plant Height: 15-30 cm
- Harvest: Snip large outer leaves to allow the small leaves to mature. Cut alternating plants to extend the harvest window.
- Average Seeds Needed Per 10 m Row: 200
- Average Yield Per 10 m Row: 35 heads


Lettuce is the cornerstone of many great salads. And with so many varieties to choose from, why not grow your own and make a custom greens mix?

Lettuce seeds can be directly sown as soon as the garden can be worked and the soil reaches at least 4°C. Seeds will germinate best between 13 and 18°C. If you want to get a head start, seeds may be started indoors 4-6 weeks before the last spring frost. Plant in flats 1 cm deep, every 3 cm. Thin seedlings to 25 cm apart when they have 3-4 true leaves.

Lettuce likes sunny spots, but will tolerate some shade, especially in the hot summer months. Make sure the soil is loose and well drained. If sowing directly, pay extra attention to the consistency of the soil. Because of the seed’s small size, the bed should be well tilled and free of any debris. Transplant when seedlings have 4-6 true leaves and a well-established root system. Water thoroughly after transplanting.

Spacing in the garden is dependent on the type and variety of lettuce. If leaves become wilted, you can be sure that water is needed. Sprinkle the leaves with water anytime of day and keep the soil evenly moist. If needed, use row covers or shade cloth to shelter from the sun and prevent drying out. You can also map out the garden so that the lettuce will be shaded by some taller crops.

Mulch around the plants to keep the shallow roots cool and moist. If weeds do emerge among the lettuce, promptly and carefully remove them. Don’t let heads surpass their readiness date, leaves will become tough and bitter. Refer to the specific instructions for your variety.

Loose leaf, butterhead and romaine types can be harvested by collecting the outer leaves and allowing the centre to continue growing. Crisp head lettuces should be cut whole when the heads are full and dense. The morning is the best time to harvest, leaves will be crisp and fresh.


- Lettuce was first cultivated in ancient Egypt for the production of oil from its seeds. This plant was then selectively bred by the Egyptians for its edible leaves as early as 3,000 BC. The domestication of lettuce over the millenniums has resulted in several changes: delayed bolting, larger seeds, larger leaves and heads, better taste and texture, and different leaf shapes and colours.

- Lettuce is a cool-weather crop so it needs partial shade during the hot summer months or the leaves need to be misted on hot days.

- Allow enough space between the seeds to grow as overcrowding can cause lettuce to turn bitter.

- There are four main types of lettuces: crisphead, butterhead, romaine and loose-leaf.

- Lettuce seeds will remain viable for 4 years if stored in a cool, dark place, ideally between 4 and 10⁰C. After that, the germination rate may start to go down. 

Notre garantie sur les semences

Vous savez qu'un jardin luxuriant et fructueux a besoin d'un bon sol, d'arrosages fréquents et du soleil pour pousser, mais ce sont les semences qui font vraiment la différence.

Cueillies et ensachées pour 2024, la grande majorité de nos semences ont des taux de germination de plus de 85 %. Toutes nos semences sont entièrement naturelles, sans OGM, non hybrides, non traitées et à pollinisation libre pour récolter les semences année après année.

Nos semences sont  soigneusement emballées dans des pochettes refermables, en papier kraft/aluminium de qualité alimentaire. Nos commandes sont ensuite expédiées dans des enveloppes rembourrées respectueuses de l'environnement.

Nous utilisons un scellage thermique pour chaque sachet de graines afin de garantir une protection maximale contre l'humidité , les odeurs et la lumière, vous permettant de conserver vos semences jusqu'à 3 fois plus longtemps que dans du papier ou plastique. Plantez-les toutes, faites-en germer quelques-unes à l'intérieur, gardez-en pour la saison prochaine - à vous de décider !