Semences de tomates "Homestead"

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Developed by the Florida Agricultural Experiment Station in the 1940s, Homestead heirloom tomato was a breakthrough at the time, quickly producing an abundance of fruits even in challenging weather conditions. It was specifically bred for its resilience to southern climates and would still perform well even when other varieties struggle. Its ability to produce high yields even in hot and humid conditions makes it a favourite amongst warm-climate gardeners.

Homestead tomatoes set fruits even in high temperatures and resist wilting under heat stress, a real game-changer for growers in warmer regions. The determinate plants do not require staking and will produce copious amounts of bright red, half a pound fruits. The flesh of a Homestead tomato is meaty and juicy with a tangy and slightly sweet classic tomato flavour. Overall, the fruits are similar to Beefsteaks but are a bit smaller and quicker to mature.

Homestead tomatoes are the perfect choice for those in hot and humid environments and for gardeners looking for an adaptable heirloom variety that shows some heat and humidity resistance. A great choice for your summer garden, Homestead tomatoes are perfect for slicing, canning and cooking.


- Latin Name: Solanum lycopersicum
- Life Cycle: Annual
- Days to Maturity: 80
- Planting Depth: 5 mm - 1 cm
- Plant Spacing: 45-60 cm
- Row Spacing: 120 cm
- Growth Habit: Determinate


For most folks, tomatoes are an indispensable summer fruit. There are scores of heirloom varieties showcasing different shapes, sizes, colors, flavours and textures. Tap into this large selection when starting from seed. You have the ability to grow and eat your perfect tomato!

Start seeds indoors 6-8 weeks before the last spring frost date. In flats or individual pots, plant seeds at 1 cm. Make sure soil stays warm and moist. The ideal temperature for germination is 21°C. Keep seedlings under lights, a few centimeters away from the top of the plants and adjust as needed. An oscillating fan will provide the young plants some resistance. This will result in stockier stems and more structurally sound tomato plants. Seedlings should be hardened off a week prior to transplanting.

When the soil is 16°c and all danger of frost has passed it is time to transplant. Pinch off any sets of lower leaves that are yellow or faded so more of the stem can be buried. Place roots deeply into the hole to the point that the bottom leaves are just above the surface of the soil. Roots will sprout from the stalk and provide a stronger base for the plant.

Provide a site with full sun and well-drained soil. Water well, about 5cm/week, mulch and feed every two weeks. Leave fruits on the vine to ripen as long as possible.

There are two main categories of tomato plants: determinate and indeterminate.

A determinate tomato is a bush-type plant, usually reaching about three to four feet tall, making them ideal for the small-space gardener. The fruits of a determinate tomato plant ripen all at once, which is useful for those who want to grow tomatoes for canning.

Indeterminate tomatoes grow continuously until the first frost and can reach six to twenty feet in height. Indeterminate plants produce tomatoes all season long for a continuous harvest.

If indeterminate varieties are being grown, be sure to set up tall trellises or cages to support the wandering vines. One sturdy stake and some twine should suffice for determinate varieties.

Tomatoes can easily be frozen whole, but never refrigerate a tomato. This will deteriorate its fresh garden taste and texture. Enjoy fresh throughout the season and make multiple batches of sauce and salsa to savour through the winter.


- The ancestor of the tomato is native to South America, where the wild versions are the size of peas. The Spanish first introduced tomatoes to Europe during the 1500s. Unique varieties were developed over the next several hundred years to improve production, size, shape, colour, and flavour.

- Tomato seeds will remain viable for 5 years if stored in a cool, dark place, ideally between 4 and 10⁰C. After that, the germination rate may start to go down.

Notre garantie sur les semences

Vous savez qu'un jardin luxuriant et fructueux a besoin d'un bon sol, d'arrosages fréquents et du soleil pour pousser, mais ce sont les semences qui font vraiment la différence.

Cueillies et ensachées pour 2025, la grande majorité de nos semences ont des taux de germination de plus de 85 %. Toutes nos semences sont entièrement naturelles, sans OGM, non hybrides, non traitées et à pollinisation libre pour récolter les semences année après année.

Nos semences sont  soigneusement emballées dans des pochettes refermables, en papier kraft/aluminium de qualité alimentaire. Nos commandes sont ensuite expédiées dans des enveloppes rembourrées respectueuses de l'environnement.

Nous utilisons un scellage thermique pour chaque sachet de graines afin de garantir une protection maximale contre l'humidité , les odeurs et la lumière, vous permettant de conserver vos semences jusqu'à 3 fois plus longtemps que dans du papier ou plastique. Plantez-les toutes, faites-en germer quelques-unes à l'intérieur, gardez-en pour la saison prochaine - à vous de décider !