Red Giant Mustard Seeds


The Asian heirloom Red Giant mustard grows faster and packs a more pungent punch than mustard greens traditionally grown in the southern regions of North America. Red Giant mustard is native to Japan, where it’s a staple crop revered for its signature wasabi flavour.

Shooting up to 40 cm in height, Red Giant is both cold tolerant and bolt resistant. It can grow straight through a mild winter and withstand hot temperatures. Conspicuous, gargantuan leaves boast deep purple hues to shades of maroon atop prominent green stems. Many gardeners report they even grow it as an ornamental, due to the striking appearance of the Red Giant leaves. 

A fiery hot horseradish flavour can be expected from the abundance of gigantic leaves Red Giant offers. The size and flavour lends well to being pickled, steamed, cooked in a stew or simply eaten raw. Red Giant is a cut and come again crop that can be harvested consistently over the course of a long season. Spice enthusiasts should know that larger, older leaves will contain more concentrated levels of heat. 


- Latin Name: Brassica juncea
- Life Cycle: Annual
- Days to Maturity: 45
- Planting Depth: 5 mm
- Plant Spacing: 15 cm
- Growth Habit: 30-60 cm tall


The name of the popular condiment actually comes from a broad leafy green vegetable. Mustard, a relative of cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and kale, enjoys the same cool weather conditions as its wholesome family members.

Start seeds, inside or out, 3 weeks before the last frost date. They should be lightly covered with soil, and planted about 2 cm apart. After sprouting, thin to 10-15 cm apart. Plantings can be made every few weeks in spring, and again in midsummer, to enjoy continual harvests throughout the year. Timing is important though, mustard should be ready to harvest anywhere from 40-60 days, but will not grow well during the hottest summer months.

Cut the tender new growth for fresh eating, larger leaves begin to get tough and will require some form of cooking. Choose a site with rich, well-drained soil that receives full sun. Mustard will require about 5 cm of water per week. Keep the soil moist and watch the towering foliage thrive.

Other than that, these greens won’t require too much attention or maintenance. The flowers make a pretty, edible garnish. And when the seed pods turn from green to brown, be sure to collect them, lest they break open and sow seeds all over the garden. The seeds are very useful in the kitchen, great for batches of pickles, relishes or dressings. Ground them down and make your own specialty mustard!


- All parts of the mustard plant are edible: the seeds, the leaves and flowers.

- Mustard seeds will remain viable for 4 years if stored in a cool, dark place, ideally between 4 and 10⁰C. After that, the germination rate may start to go down.


You know that a lush, fruitful garden needs good soil, frequent watering, and sunlight to grow, but it’s the seeds that really make the harvest.

Picked and bagged for 2024 the vast majority of our seeds have germination rates of over 85%. The seeds are all-natural, non-GMO, non-hybrid, untreated, and open-pollinated for seed saving.

We have put a lot of thoughts into the design and packaging of our seed packets. Our seeds are all carefully packed in food grade kraft paper/aluminium zipper lock bags, and then are shipped in eco-friendly padded mailers.

We heat-seal each of our seed packet for even more protection from moisture, odour and light, allowing you to store your seeds for up to 3x longer than paper or plastic. Plant them all, germinate some indoors, save some for next season - it’s up to you!